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Why you can not wear black for more than 3 days

Oh, this psychology. But still, black is the shadow side of your personality. Remember the classic “Shadow” tale, where the shadow took possession of its owner, which brought a lot of trouble. We don’t want negative, depressive emotions rule us.

Then we dilute this a cocktail of brightness. You can not completely refuse black, it is a very strong color. But you shouldn't give him power either.

And a little about fashion: Light, bright colors take on the accent. Favorably set off our image. Add freshness to our image. You can go to the mirror and experiment.

Black and white shirt. Compare. In which one do you look fresher and younger? Of course, in white, peach, milky.

Our Option, when you wear layering, a black badlon and black trousers, and a soft lilac vest on top.

The feeling of harmony, mystery and at the same time, freshness and brightness is ideally created. Dare girls.